Tuesday, 31 July 2012


I know I should write about my birthday, but it was nice, as the saying goes, so we will skip it for better or rather more important issues(not that I think my birthday is unimportant, au contraire!) I am the exact age my elder brother was when he died, and like I wrote earlier, its all about reflections for me this period.
there's something about getting older that makes you weigh not only your present decisions but also judge whether you made the right ones in the past.
My late brother was an engineer, he chose to be because he wanted to study the toughest course in school back then. wh at he really loved doing was painting and writing. he could write such moving poems! I will read some and be all choked up for hours, but he was never published, because for him, that special gift was something to thrifle with, something he did, not to be idle, like some people will garden, some will knit(I do that too), my brother wrote poignant poems.
I remember once, when we were still very young and hungry(we were always hungry back then) he wrote a poem that started like this, .."when hunger hazard hit the gizzard, even lizard meat is pleasant.." yuck! I can hear you say, but it made us laugh, lightened our hunger, made us just a tad more creative, because one by one, we all picked up a 'hobby' to distract us, from our hunger for food. I took up writing too and painting, and reading and knitting (yes! you guessed correctly, I was a very hungry child) but it developed a gift in me, something, an avenue to escape the harsh realities and create a world, where I can be anyone I want to be, do anything, eat anything! he gave me with the ability to be a god!blasphemy you say? no! the the bible says that.. "ye are gods.."
The ability to create, whether a virtual world or a real one makes us gods. A nursing mother? is a god, an artist? a god too. You, the prolific writer, you are a god too! we are all gifted, to create and make our habitat a beautiful, vista of harmony. Failure to create makes you a slefish person, its going against nature.
What is that thing you do, that you take for granted? you look down on, you do just to fill time? its a gift.
It may redefine someone else, if you use it, don't hold back, what are you gifted to do? don't be like my brother, don't die with it, use it!cherish it! make it shine, let it speak! know for a surety, that as you do, you are excercising your right, as a god.
For all the gifted ones we've lost, we remember you, in our dreams, in our realities, most of all, we remember you, with our gifts!

Wednesday, 25 July 2012


I'm counting down to my birthday which is just a few days away. I am not marking it, nope,not the party type, but I've been busy reflecting on my past. I cant help feeling as if I havent been as productive as I would have wanted to be. I love helping people and giving sound counsel, but sometimes life keeps you so busy that you forget about others and youre just trying to clean up your plate cos its full. I see my birthday as another opportunity, another chance to do right by all who look up to me, myself included, I have to do right by me.
I think I've handed myself BS for so long that I need to get real and tell myself some home truths.
There's a saying that if it isn't broken, dont fix it, but you could tweak it to make it look better, right? I guess so, I'm due for some serious mental and psychological tweaking, you could call them "Birthday Resolutions"
So which do you think is appropriate; Birthday or New year resolutions? I can almost hear some say whatever works, but seriously, what works for you?
To all the July babies out there, Happy Birthday y'all! Love you loads
Toast to a better year ahead, do I hear an amen? Amen!

Tuesday, 24 July 2012


Everyday, i wake up at five on the dot, say my prayers, jump into the shower and rush off to work. why do i leave home so early? easy, to beat the horrific traffic on my axis.
I am so ecstatic on fridays that all my colleagues make fun of me on fridays, they know I'm extra cheerful, my steps are springy and i smile at everyone, why you ask again? easy, its friday! friday nights are the only nights i dont jump out of bed by 5am (you know Sundays you have to wake earky for church,so...) i was watching a short movie done by a friend recently, on the Jos religious riots and i wondered how fellow nigerians in that area cope.
 They dont jump out of bed at 5am to beat traffic, they fight bigger demons than traffic. they walk streets littered with corpses, in a bid to get to work, churches/mosques, or hospitals and i wondered if i was living in that area, would i be able to face the day the way they do? i dont know (I'm so sure i dont want to know either, thank you!) but i cant help thinking that those are really Courageous people! and even though our demons are streets packed with steel and fibre-optic automobiles, we are courageous too! have you ever have to go to work on a rainy day with a commercial vehicle? then please take your place among the truly courageous! it doesnt matter what wars or struggles youre fighting, if you are still fighting at all, then youre courageous.
so from VidaGirl, heres to all my courageous single ladies, living, working and striving in Lasgidi, I hail! to your courage, may God preserve and keep you through all the traffics and navigate your hearts through the treacherous wars of finding true love (abi now?) stay courageous!

Monday, 23 July 2012

New Beginnings!

So i decided to have a blog and actually try to share something meaningful everyday. so heres my first share! hope it makes any sense to you.
i love beginnings! its the only time one can be described as being FULL of hope. Hope like gas in our cars depletes as time goes on, sometimes, it goes faster than you expect and you have to 'refill' as it were in our various life 'filling stations'. some go to Churches, Mosques, some others read inspirational books to refill their hopes. no matter how you do it, i still believe that the best way to refill your hope is to keep your dream FRESH! make the beginning last as long as possible. try to make everyday the start of your dream. no amtter how long you go, try to be full of hope, because many great dreams have died from hopelessness and neglect.
lets hope this will not be the case of my blog!so happy new beginnings today, Hope for the best!ciao!