Wednesday, 24 April 2013

When gods Cry...

When gods Cry...
When Abraham heard from God that he was going to be the father of many nations, he believed and it was accounted for him as righteousness. See, the promise took a long time coming, and even when it finally manifested, Abraham had just one child to start with! the father of many nations, just one child! As if that was not enough, God asked him to sacrifice that one child to him. Abraham's only hope of becoming what God has said he will be was fast diminishing! If I were in His shoes, I may not out rightly disobey God, but I sure would be looking for alternative ways to keep my lineage! my thoughts would probably be on bringing Ismael back, or marrying another wife! Even though we don't know what was passing through Abraham's mind, his actions told us that he was calm in the face of this impending doom. And God came through for him in the end. 

So many times we are faced with situations that frustrate us because we have heard from God concerning one dream or desire and yet, everything seems to be working against bringing that dream to fruition. What do you do, when you've tried everything and its just not working? throw up your hands and give it up? Keep trying to find alternative means to make it work? or just waiting on God? My younger brother asked me once, how do you know when you're waiting on God from wasting time? Good question right? right!
When God gives you a vision, and He doesn't make provision immediately like in Abraham's case, how do you work it? how do you wait and not waste time? The truth is, Once the vision is from God, waiting time, no matter how long it is, is not wasted time. How do I know about this? Romans 8:28 says, All things work together for good, for them who love God and those who are the called according to His purpose"  In His time God will make all things beautiful as long as you don't give up on it, God will not give up on you.  Its okay to cry if you're the type, its even okay to laugh(Sarah did it) but what is not okay, is to stop believing, or to give up.
The bible says that God is able to do, exceedingly, abundantly above that which we ask or think... He knows you, He hasn't forgotten His promise to you and He will surely keep it. He loves you and He wants nothing more than to see you succeed and become His testimony to the world.
Remember the bible says that ye are gods...when gods cry, what do we expect humans to do? Don't give up darlings, our God is faithful and this season, He WILL remember YOU!
Wipe those tears and put on a smile, because you worship a God that cannot lie! It is well with you! ciao!