I know I've been off the radar for a while, when life hands you lemons, you're so used to it that you can make lemonade with one hand tied on your back, but it throws in another curve, your knife breaks and you have to cut and squeeze the lemons with your teeth(sic!)don't get me started...
Anyway, I am doing great, hanging by the skin of my teeth and like most people I know, looking up to God for a better tomorrow while working as hard as you can and hoping it is good enough...
But I'm digressing...
I cant help but remember that today, several years ago, every one watched with horror as America was dealt a terrible blow. It wasn't only Americans that mourned, even though it happened in their very backyard, the whole world mourned with them.
When such tragedy occurs, the feeling to just coil up and die seems to be really appealing, because you just don't know where to start from, how to pick yourself up and continue. the question, 'why' ricochets around your head as you wonder if God allowed something like this to happen, or if He just couldn't stop it from happening...
It makes the occasional stress you experience seem so trivial...But like everything in life, time doesn't stop, it keeps ticking, the grasses will keep growing, the sun will set and the moon will dance amidst stars to the sound of nocturnal animals. This is earth's way of telling us to move on, yes it was terrible, but move on, Live, if not for yourself for those whose lives were cut short, live for them. Smile because once you're dead you cannot smile, help someone while you still can and if you have to choose between good and evil, choose good, what will it profit you to be evil? After you've done all you can, stand true to yourself! Don't do anything you will look back and regret.
Whatever it is you're struggling with today, even though it seems so tragic and terrible to bear, it couldn't stop time, so find a way to live through it, one minute at a time if you must. Remember, God's thoughts for us are not of evil, they are thoughts of good, peace to bring us to an expected end, you will overcome it,you'll see.
*To all who lost someone in 9-11, may you find comfort, knowing that they rest in the bossom of the Lord
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